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Lom Nad zahradami

General Characteristics

County (administration): South Moravia Region
District (town): Břeclav
Cadastre: Velké Pavlovice
Map 1 : 50 000 (sheet No): 3421, 34214
Geological region: Pouzdřany, Ždánice & Zdounky units; Rača unit of the Chřiby Mts.
Accessibility: - no traffic restriction ( by car)
Technical object: guarry
ID : 882


Short characteristics of the site: Abandoned quarry with outcrops of sandstone lithofacies of the Ždánice-Hustopeče Formation (Upper Oligocene up to Lower Miocene). Sediments consist of calcareous sandstones with lenses of conglomerates. Sedimentologically and stratigraphically interesting site.
Regional geologic unit: Carpathian - Flysch belt - Outer (Menilit-Krosněny) group of nappes
Stratigraphy: kenozoikum - paleogén - oligocén - střední oligocén
Subject: paleontology, stratigraphy, sedimentology
Geological phenomenon: bed
Genesis: sedimentary
Rock: sandstone, conglomerate, claystone

Territorial conservation

Level of protection: Registered geological localities suggested for protection
Protection of a geol. phenomenon: B - Geological phenomenon is the reason for a recommendation to the protection
Conflicts of interests: sports, reclamation


Rzehak, A. (1897): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der karpatischen Sandsteinzone Mährens, I. - Oberoligozäne Fossilien aus Mähren. - Geol. - paleot. Mitteil. Franzensmus. 2. Brno. Čtyroký, P. (1961): Revize akvitánské fauny z Velkých Pavlovic na Moravě. - Věst. Ústř. úst. geol, 36, 2, 141-143. Praha. Stráník, Z. et al. (1982): Základní geologická mapa 1:25 000 a vysvětlivky, list 34-213 Hustopeče. - Archiv ČGÚ Praha.

Elaboration and Updating

Elaborated by: Stráník Zdeněk, 06.12.93


The database Significant geological localities of the Czech Republic: 882 [online]. Prague: Czech Geological Survey, 1998 [cit. 2024-05-04]. Available from: http:// lokality.geology.cz/882.

Location in map:

Links to neighbouring localities within 2 km radius are available on mouse click in the map window.

(C) 2003-2012 ČGS, verse aplikace 1.21 [3.2.2016]